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Are You Ready for the 2024 Health Insurance "Open Enrollment"?

Chen & Associates
With less than a month to go until the 2024 Health Insurance "Open Enrollment" period, are you prepared?

Open Enrollment is the time when you must decide whether or not to participate in medical, optical, and dental insurance for the upcoming year (2024). For many, this can be a daunting time as the health insurance industry constantly changes its premiums and care plans.

Once the Open Enrollment period ends, you won't be able to change your coverage for the next year unless you experience significant life events like marriage, childbirth, divorce, job change, or moving between states.

While it's up to you to decide which health plan suits you best, we offer insights into changes in health insurance over the past year and the steps you should take to ensure you have the right information to make your choice. If you're unsure, our company professionals are here to assist with applications, or you can use this webpage to estimate costs and see if you qualify for federal subsidies.

What is Open Enrollment?

If your company offers health insurance as part of its employee benefits, you'll likely receive enrollment information from the HR team. The start of the open enrollment period varies by company, but it typically occurs within a few weeks between October and December.

Missing the enrollment window means you can't make any changes to your coverage unless you qualify for a "Life Qualifying Event."

For self-employed individuals or those without employer-provided health insurance, the Open Enrollment dates are from November 1, 2023, to January 15, 2024.


What are "Life Qualifying Events"/"Special Enrollment Periods"?

There are four main types of special enrollment periods, allowing you to enroll or change your health insurance coverage outside of the open enrollment window due to specific life events.

Eligibility for "Life Qualifying Events"/Special Enrollment Periods:
  • Loss of health insurance: Losing a job becoming ineligible for medical insurance or Medicaid or aging out of a parent's health plan.

  • Family changes: Births, adoptions, deaths, marriages, or divorces in the family.

  • Residential shifts: Moving to a new area not covered by your current insurer.

  • Other eligible scenarios: Becoming a U.S. citizen, leaving incarceration, or joining/leaving AmeriCorps.


How Your Benefits Might Change

Under the Affordable Care Act (often called "Obamacare"), all insurers in every state must cover ten essential health benefits, but states can choose to offer more flexible plans from 50 health benefit options. This means while there might be more choices, coverage might differ even from a plan you picked the previous year. It's crucial to scrutinize the type of insurance your family needs and choose accordingly.

There's No Mandate to Purchase Individual Health Insurance

Although Obamacare remains in place, individuals who choose not to have health coverage won't face federal tax penalties, a change implemented in 2018. Nevertheless, purchasing insurance is advisable. As many uninsured Americans know, a single emergency room visit can cost more than a year's premiums.

While the federal mandate was removed, states like Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington D.C. still require residents to have health insurance. Other states are considering similar mandates, with Vermont recently enacting such a law effective in 2020.

What Benefits Should I Look for This Year?

Given rising medical costs and regulatory shifts, many companies switch insurance plans or providers annually. It's wise to review benefits even if you wish to stay with your current plan. Not only can plan terms change, like increases in deductibles or changes in in-network providers, but your medical needs can change as well.

Choosing the Right Health Insurance Plan for You

Consider recent medical history: Has a family member been diagnosed with a new condition requiring regular doctor visits or medication? Or were you fortunate to have minimal medical visits last year? These considerations will guide your choice.

For those expecting minimal medical expenses in 2024, consider a high-deductible plan paired with a Health Savings Account (HSA), if available through your employer. While you'll pay more out-of-pocket for each doctor visit, you might visit less frequently, aside from annual and preventive visits. Premiums will generally be lower for these plans.

However, if you anticipate frequent medical care, you might prefer a plan with a lower deductible. This will mean higher monthly premiums but can be cost-saving for families with significant medical expenses.

Do I Need Dental and Vision Insurance?

If dental and vision insurance are part of your benefits package, consider whether you or your family members need them. If you've had stable vision in recent years, you might safely skip vision insurance next year.

On the other hand, dental procedures can be costly. Skipping regular cleanings can lead to even higher costs. If available, it's generally wise to opt for dental insurance. When choosing, use the same logic as for health insurance: low deductible plans for high dental costs and high deductible plans if you have good dental health.

Should I Get Life Insurance?

Some employers offer limited, complimentary life insurance – why not take it? However, the provided amount might not cover potential needs in case of an unforeseen event.

Experts recommend term life insurance that's five to ten times your annual salary. We suggest tallying your total debt, children's education funds, and future family financial needs to determine the amount you need.

Examine if your employer offers enhanced options and compare costs with private life insurance. Those with pre-existing conditions might find better rates through employer-provided group policies. However, healthier individuals might find better rates elsewhere.

Now that you've navigated the intricacies of enrolling in this financial safety net, ensure your beneficiaries are correctly listed. It's an excellent time to confirm these details, especially if recent life changes like marriage, divorce, or new family members have occurred.





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