It's long been known that when owning a vehicle, you should do your best to always have adequate auto insurance coverage. As your independent insurance agent, we want to do our best to keep you prepared. With that in mind, we wanted to share three common myths about auto insurance:
It's a Myth!
Older cars do get stolen, and a primary reason behind this is that they are easier to steal.
It's a Myth!
Having insurance always protects the other party involved if you are at fault. The only way to make sure you are always covered is by adding on comprehensive and collision coverage to your policy.
It's a Myth!
This is extremely far from the truth. No-fault insurance simply means that each insurance company compensates its own policyholders (the first party) for the cost of minor injuries, regardless of who was at fault in the accident.
If you need help understanding your coverage, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are always happy to lend a helping hand!
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